Newsletters are circulated to inform readers of recent activities, noteworthy achievements and topics of interest. However, it can also be used strategically as a marketing platform. Traditionally printed and mailed, e-newsletters distributed via email are becoming increasingly common as well. This has created an accessible avenue for marketing.

With the following best practices, newsletters can be an effective marketing tool for your business.

Getting People to Read It

The first rule of effective marketing in a newsletter is getting people to read it! There are a few points you should focus on in order to gain viewers.

  •  Content: Always ensure that your content is both interesting and informative. In order to get people to read your newsletter, they need to believe that they are getting something out of taking the time to read the content. Make sure that each newsletter is unique and tailored to suit your audience. Keep your content concise and to the point and do research about what your readers want to see. Is there anything you can put a fresh spin on or an offer you think will truly benefit them?
  • Design: Even before the content, viewers take note of the design of your newsletter. Take time to make sure that your newsletter is visually appealing and well organized. Using graphic organizers, textboxes and different colours can achieve a clean, striking design.
  • Consistency: Consistency is key to marketing success in your newsletter. When you gain a following of people who look forward to reading your newsletter, they will be expecting it to arrive consistently. For example, send your newsletter on a biweekly or monthly schedule.
    Consider factors that may interfere with your readers’ availability such as holiday weekends and the time of day in order to gain as many readers as possible.

Achieving Marketing Success

  • Gain readers: The more readers, the more people viewing your marketing strategy. Take every opportunity you can to build a mailing list by featuring a sign up form on your website and sharing it on social media. Make it straight forward for interested customers or clients to sign up for the newsletter.
  • Track results: Statistics are key to marketing success. Develop a method for tracking the success of your marketing campaign through your newsletters. Monitor things such as how many people read your newsletter and how many people used your services or bought your product because they saw it in the newsletter. This information can be gathered through a survey or, if your newsletter is distributed electronically, you can use software such as MailChimp to help with this.
  • Branching Out: If your organization doesn’t have a newsletter, you can still tap into newsletter marketing by purchasing space in other popular newsletters to strategically place your advertisement.


Need help getting started with your newsletter or creating content for it? Reach out to us today!