Whether it’s a personal blog written by an individual about something they’re passionate about, or a well-known brand trying to produce daily content, blogs are more diverse and available then ever before.

A lot has changed in the world in the last ten years, and blogging is no exception. In our current society, people are constantly looking to be entertained, informed and inspired, and in the future, that won’t change, but it will evolve.

Here’s a look at how you’ll be able to utilize blogging in the future to help your company or brand keep up with the times and remain relevant with the information you share.

Find your voice and stick to it

With so many viable options out there, you need to find your unique voice and avoid deviating from it to try and match the style and tone of others. Create your niche and ensure all of your blogs and channels adhere to whatever that is.

People are getting more and more selective with the information that they take in. They want to discover a few blogs that speak to them and will generally stick to those. So, be consistent, dedicated and never falter from your own voice once you find it.

Producing the highest quality of content possible

This may seem redundant, but as the number of bloggers and blogs continue to increase, your content needs to remain as high-quality as possible.

Readers are quick to jump ship if they feel like your content isn’t relatable or interesting. Although consistency is integral, the content needs to captivate from start to finish, especially for first time readers. A first bad impression can lead to the last impression very quickly.

Videos are everything

According to the IT and networking company, Cisco, video will make up more than 80% of internet traffic by the year 2021. That’s why you need to jump on the vlogging bandwagon now so you don’t get left behind. With people constantly on the move and looking to be visually entertained and or informed, videos are one of the major ways that information is being taken in.

Adding a video to your blog, as well as creating a YouTube channel for your company, can help to drive viewers to your blog, while also helping to boost traffic and sales. Remember with videos to add any subtitles at the bottom, as many people watch videos in areas where they can’t or don’t want to turn on the volume. More people are likely to watch your videos this way.

The power of podcasts

Podcasts have become one of the most vital ways that people currently take in information, and you just have to look at the sheer number of them to see evidence of that. Based on studies conducted by companies like Edison and Nielson, there are more than 700,000 active podcasts right now, with an estimated 29 million episodes. It’s a massive industry that is only going to expand going forward.

Podcasts are a great way to take in information since you can do other things while listening to them, like driving, taking the dog for a walk or jogging. They don’t require a lot of attention from listeners, but your message is still being conveyed and taken in. They’re an excellent partner to be used in unison with other forms of media to guarantee that your message is conveyed.

If anyone says to you that “blogs are dead”, just remind them information will always need to be passed on. It will need to be distributed in ways that are constantly advancing and adapting to new technologies and the world around us, including more and more visual media.

If you’re looking for assistance getting started blogging, or looking for other elements such as video scripts, we can help with that! Get in touch with us today.